Journal of Water

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Water-Ecohydrology and Sustainable Water Resources Management-xiang zhang


Wuhan University

13971406097, 86-27-68772303-601

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xiang zhang


Director of Experimental Research Center of Hydrology 
College of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering 
Wuhan University 
430072 Hubei 
P. R. China 

Research Interests:

  • Ecohydrology and Sustainable Water Resources Management
  • Isotopic Hydrology
  • GIS and RS in Hydrology and Water Resources



  1. Jianfeng Liu, Xiang Zhang*, Jun Xia, Shaofei Wu, Dunxian She and Lei Zou , Characterizing and explaining spatio‑temporal variation of water quality in a highly disturbed river by multi‑statistical techniques, SpringerPlus(2016) 5:1171, DOI: 10.1186/s40064‑016‑2815‑z.
  2. Yu Meng, Xiang Zhang* , Dunxian She, Junchai Wang and Shaofei Wu, The spatial and temporal variation of water use efficiency in the Huai River Basin using a comprehensive indicator, Water Science & Technology: Water Supply | in press | 2016 .
  3. Xiang Zhang*, Yang Xiao, Hui Wan, Zhimin Deng, Guoyan Pan & Jun Xia, Using stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes to study water movement in soil-plantatmosphere continuum at Poyang Lake wetland,China. Wetlands Ecology and Management(2016),ISSN 0923-4861,DOI 10.1007/s11273-016-9511-1;
  4. Chen Yanfei, Zhang Xiang*,Water Environment Resilience and Its Resilient Assessment of Rivers.Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, Vol.24,No.01,2016,34-46;
  5. MENG Yu, ZHANG Xiang* ,XIA Jun, WU Shaofei, WANG Junchai, Christopher J. Gippel, Definition of environmental flow components for Leiocassis Longirostris in the Huai River considering habitat change and hydrological change.Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2016,47(5):626-634.
  6. DENG Zhi-min, ZHANG Xiang*, ZHANG Hua, PAN Guo-yan, QIN Xue-quan, ANALYSIS OF STABLE OXYGEN ISOTOPE OF SOIL-PLANT-GROUNDWATER IN POYANG LAKE WETLAND. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2016,25(6),989-995.
  7. Zezhong Zheng, Chengjun Pu, Mingcang Zhu, Jun Xia, Xiang Zhang* , Yalan Liu, Damaged road extracting with high resolution aerial image of post-earthquake, International Conference on Intelligent Earth Observing and Applications 2015, edited by Guoqing Zhou, Chuanli Kang, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9808, 980807, doi: 10.1117/12.2207415.
  8. Jiang Li, Lanying Yuan, Mingcang Zhu, Zezhong Zheng, Jun Xia, Xiang Zhang*, Yong He, Guoqing Zhou, Xiaowen Lie, Guiyun Zhou, Yufeng Lu, Shi Qiu, Hongsheng Zhang, Jiang Li, DROUGHT MONITORING AND WARNING IN THE MIDDLE REACH OF YANGTZE RIVER WITH MODIS, IEEE: IGARSS 2015, 330-333.
  9. Yufeng Lua, Yong He, Jun Xia, Zezhong Zheng, Huan Wei, Yalan Liu, Xiang Zhang*, Guoqing Zhou, Zhanmang Liao,  Guiyun Zhou, Hongsheng Zhang and Jiang Li, THE APPLICATION OF ANT COLONY ALGORITHM IN EMERGENCY RESCUE WITH GIS, IEEE: IGARSS 2015, 4546-4549.
  10. XIA Jing, ZHANG Xiang* , ZHU Zhilong, XIE Ping, LIU Jianfeng, Application of Total Maximun Daily Load(TMDL)Program to Total Amount Control of Water Pollutants in Changhu Lake, Enivronment Science and Technology, Vol.38,No.07,2015,176-181.