Journal of Skeletal Muscle

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Skeletal Muscle-Exercise Physiology-Emmanuel Van Praagh


Lab.of Exercise Biology.


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Emmanuel Van Praagh


Prof. Emmanuel Van Praagh, Ph.D.FACSM.FECSS.,
Lab.of Exercise Biology ,
Université Blaise Pascal, BP 104,
63170-AUBIERE, France.

Research Interests:

Exercise Physiology, Muscle, Physiology, Physical Fitness, Exercise, Exercise Science, Physical Activity, Aerobic, Sport Training, Force, Anthropometrics, High Altitude, Heart Rate Variability, Exercise Testing, Exercise Performance, Oxygen Consumption, Athletics, Athletic Performance



  1. Effects of a Back Squat Training Program on Leg Power, Jump, and Sprint Performance in Junior Soccer Players.
  2. Torque and Power-Velocity Relationships in Cycling: Relevance to Track Sprint Performance in World-Class Cyclists.
  3. Improving physical activity assessment in prepubertal children with high-frequency accelerometry monitoring: A methodological issue.
  4. Anaerobic Fitness Tests: What are we measuring?
  5. Preserved Bone Health in Elite Teenager Rhythmic Gymnasts despite Hypoleptinemia.
  6. Continuous vs. Interval Aerobic Training in 8- to 11-Year-Old Children.
  7. Effects of a playwound marking intervention on school recess.
  8. Physical Activity Patterns in French Youth-From Childhood to Adolescence-Monitored with High-Frequency Accelerometry.
  9. Critical velocity when continuous and intermittent exercises in children.
  10. Longitudinal follow-up of fitness during childhood: Interaction with physical activity.