Journal of New Developments in Chemistry

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Journal of New Developments in Chemistry - Supramolecular Chemistry


Ph.D in Chemistry-Supramolecular Chemistry & Nanoscience (2009-2013)

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Keyur D. Bhatt


Associate Professor & Head Department of Chemistry, Associate Dean-Research, Faculty of Science, Ganpat University, Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences, Kherva-384012, Mehsana, Gujarat, India

Research Interests:

  • Organic/Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Nanoscience & Supramolecular Chemistry
  • Synthesis and characterization of supramolecular derivatives, Dyes, Polymer and Fluorescence Sensor.
  • Synthesis and characterization of metal Nanoparticles and MOF.
  • Study of DNA, Drug interaction activities of synthesized compounds.
  • Antimicrobial, toxicity study of synthesized compounds.
  • Molecular Organic Frameworks and Biosensing applications.


  • Amberlite XAD-2 impregnated Azo-Resorcincalix[4]pyrrole extractant:Selective Preconcentration of U(VI) and Th(IV) from aqueous solutions Keyur D. Bhatt, Hrishikesh S. Gupte, Disha J. Vyas, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry 2015, 81, 409. (IF-1.9) 10.
  • Calix protected gold nanobeacon as turn-off fluorescent sensor for phenylalanine Divya R. Mishra, Savan M. Darjee, Keyur D. Bhatt, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2015, 82, 425. (IF-1.9)
  • Novel fluorescent silver nanoparticles: sensitive and selective turn off sensor for Cd(II) ions Bharat A. Makwana, Disha Vyas, Keyur Bhatt, Applied Nanoscience, 2016, 6(4), 555. (IF-3.9)
  • Turn-on fluorescence probe for selective detection of Hg(II) by calixpyrrole hydrazide reduced silver nanoparticle: Application to real water sample, Keyur D. Bhatt, Disha J. Vyas, Bharat A. Makwana, Savan M. Darjee and Vinod K Jain, Chinese Chemical Letters 2016, 27, 731–737. (IF 8.5)
  • Turn-Off fluorescence probe for the selective determination of Pendimethalin using mechanistic docking model of novel oxacalix[4]arene. Manthan Panchal, Keyur D. Bhatt and Vinod Jain RSC Advance, 2016, 6, 53573. (IF-4.0)