Journal of New Developments in Chemistry

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Journal of New Developments in Chemistry-Synthesis


Italian National Research Council, Institute of Biostructure and Bioimaging

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Annarita Del Gatto


Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini-CNR, 80145 Naples, Italy. 

Research Interests:

Peptides, Synthesis,Peptodomimetics,Peptide functionalozed nanoparticles and small organic molecules by chemical physical techiniques.


  • Molecular Interactions Between a Diphenyl Scaffold and PED/PEA15: Implications for Type II Diabetes Therapeutics Targeting PED/PEA15 - Phospholipase D1 interaction
  • Peptoids: Smart and Emerging Candidates for the Diagnosis of Cancer, Neurological and Autoimmune Disorders
  • High-Resolution Conformational Analysis of RGDechi-Derived Peptides Based on a Combination of NMR Spectroscopy and MD Simulations
  • Screening a Molecular Fragment Library to Modulate the PED/PEA15-Phospholipase D1 Interaction in Cellular Lysate Environments