Journal of New Developments in Chemistry

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Journal of New Developments in Chemistry-Chemistry


PhD Degree in Medicinal Biochemistry

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Isaac John Umaru


Department of Biochemistry, Federal University Wukari, P.M.B. 1020, Katsina-Ala Wukari - Taraba State, Nigeria.

Research Interests:

Medicinal Biochemistry, Chemistry, Biochemistry


  • Madaki M, Noweg A.T, Wong Swee Kiong, Umaru I.J. (2021) Assessing the Treat of Gashaka Gumti National Park in Conservation Biodiversity. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 12 (10) 3885-3895.
  • Umaru, I.J. (2021). Antibiotic Resistance of “Pseudomonas aeruginosa” and the Effect of Euphorbia trigona rubra Leaves Crude Extract. Advances in Biochemistry. 9(3): 39-43.
  • Umaru, I.J, Rufaidat Baba Adam, Bilyaminu Habibu, Kerenhappuch Isaac Umaru, and Barrah Collins Chizaram. (2021). Biochemical impact of microorganism and enzymatic activities in food and pharmaceutical industries, International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research 2021; 5(1): 42-57.
  • Ahmed, M. U., Arise, R. O., Umaru, I. J., & Mohammed, A. (2021). Antidiarrheal activity of catechol and ethyl 5, 8, 11, 14, 17–Icosapentanoate-rich fraction of Annona senegalensis stem bark. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.