International Journal of Structural Biology

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International Journal of Structural Biology-Membrane Proteins-Elumalai Pavadai


Department of Physiology & Biophysics, Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, Boston, MA

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Elumalai Pavadai



Research Interests:

Software Development, Protein-Protein Interaction, Docking, Muscle Proteins, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Biophysics, Molecular Modeling, Membrane Proteins, Cheminformatics and Computational Chemistry


  • The role of myosin loop-4 in localizing tropomyosin on actin during muscle activation and relaxation
  • Modeling the troponin core domain on thin filaments using data from cryoelectron microscopy and fluorescence approaches
  • Myosin loop-4 is critical for optimal tropomyosin repositioning on actin during muscle activation and relaxation
  • Immunoinformatic screening of Marburgvirus epitopes and computational investigations of epitope-allele complexes
  • Frontiers in Physiology: Striated Muscle Physiology MINI REVIEW article Research Topic: Recent Advances on Myocardium Physiology Volume II Modeling Human Cardiac Thin Filament Structures