International Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research

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International Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research- Sense Organs


Assistant Professor of “Theory and Methodology of motor learning” Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Neuroscience, and Sense Organs. University of Bari “Aldo Moro” - Bari

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Latino Francesca


Pegaso University, Napoli (Italy).

Research Interests:

Neuroscience, Sense Organs, Psychology


  • Latino, F., Cataldi, S., Fischetti, F., (2021). Effects of an 8-Week Yoga-Based Physical Exercise Intervention on Teachers’ Burnout. Sustainability, 13, 2104.
  • Latino F., Cataldi S., Fischetti F. (2021). Effects of a coordinative ability training program on adolescents’ cognitive functioning. Frontiers in Psychology, 28: 30.
  • Latino, F., Fischetti, F., Colella, D. (2020). L'influenza dell'attività fisica sulle funzioni cognitive e sulle prestazioni scolastiche tra i ragazzi in età scolare: una revisione della letteratura. Formazione & Insegnamento, 3, 124-134, doi: 10.7346/-fei-XVIII-03-20_10.
  • Fischetti, F., Cataldi, S., Latino, F., (2020). Transformative physical education and lifestyles in cancer patients: effective motor learning and promotion of new life-styles. Giornale Italiano di Educazione alla Salute, Sport e Didattica Inclusiva / Italian Journal of Health Education, Sports and Inclusive Didactics, 4(4) Suppl.