International Journal of Human Anatomy

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International Journal of Human Anatomy - Human Anatomy

Dubai, UAE

Associate Professor Biomedical Sciences

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Shifan Khanday


Department of Biomedical Sciences, Dubai Medical College for Girls , Dubai, UAE

Research Interests:

Human Anatomy, Gross Anatomy, Anatomy, Morphometrics, Internal Medicine, Medical Science, Surgery, Genetics, Higher Education, Dissection


  • The unusual hernias, anatomical and surgical perspective. (2014). International Journal of Advanced Research, 2014(February). 5.
  • Gastrinoma: Importance of localization. Anatomical, surgical, and diagnostic perspective. (2014). International Journal of Development Research.
  • The Anatomical and Surgical Importance of Hepatobiliary Triangle of Calot. (2013). International Journal of Advanced Research, 1(8), 856-858.
  • Teratomas: The Unique Masses: Embryological, Histopathological, and Clinical Perspective. (2014). Journal of Applied Medical Sciences. 8. • Acoustic Neuromas: The Anatomic, Histopathological, and Radiological Perspective. (2014). Scholars Journal of Medical Case Report.