International Journal of Human Anatomy

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International Journal of Human Anatomy - Biomechanics


Central University of Venezuela, Faculty of Medicine

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Rafael Romero Reveron


Orthopedic Trauma Surgery Service at Centro Médico Docente La Trinidad, Caracas, Venezuela

Research Interests:

Biomechanics, Medical Education, Human Anatomy, Fracture, Hip, Gross Anatomy, Animal Anatomy, Osteology, Neuroanatomy, Bone


  • A New Challenge: Artificial Intelligence in undergraduate Medical Education
  • Anatomical studies at Universidad Central de Venezuela during 1763-1963
  • Henry Vandyke Carter (1831-1897): the forgotten co-author of Gray's Anatomy
  • Jean Cruveilhier (1791-1874), a Predecessor of Evidence-Based Medicine
  • Louis Farabeuf (1841-1910): Anatomist and inventor of surgical procedures and instruments