Instituto Nacional de Perinatología,
Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Estibalitz Laresgoiti-Servitje
Torre de Investigación,
Montes Urales 800,
Mexico City,
Research Interests:
Preeclampsia immunology,
Pregnancy immunology,
Breast cancer immunology,
Laresgoiti-Servitje, E., Gómez-López, N., & Olson, D. M. (2010). An immunological insight into the origins of pre-eclampsia. Hum Reprod Update, 16(5), 510-524. doi:10.1093/humupd/dmq007.
Gomez-Lopez N, Laresgoiti-Servitje E, Olson DM, Estrada-Gutierrez G, Vadillo-Ortega F. (2010). The role of chemokines in term and premature rupture of the fetal membranes: a review. Biology of Reproduction, 82(5):809-14.
Laresgoiti-Servitje, E., & Gomez-Lopez, N. (2012). The pathophysiology of preeclampsia involves altered levels of angiogenic factors promoted by hypoxia and autoantibody-mediated mechanisms. Biology of Reproduction, 87(2), 36. doi:10.1095/biolreprod.112.099861.
Gomez-Lopez N & Laresgoiti-Servitje E. (2012).T regulatory cells: Regulating both term and preterm labor? Immunology and Cell Biology, 90:919-20.
Laresgoiti-Servitje, E., 2013. A leading role for the immune system in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. Journal of Leukocyte Biology 94, 247-257.