Journal of Human Psychology

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Journal of Human Psychology-Psychological


Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Distribution Management at Oriental Institute of Technology (Taiwan)

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Yi-Sheng Wang


Ph.D. for Marketing & Strategy, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology

Research Interests:

Consumer behavior, Strategic Management, Management, Business, Marketing Management, Change Management, International Business, Business Model Innovation, Technology & Innovation, Business Networking, Organizational Development


  • Yi-Sheng Wang (2019). User experiences in live video streaming. Internet Research (In publication, SSCI/SCI, 2017 IF: 3.838) Business Ranking (26/140), (Single Author)
  • Yi-Sheng Wang (2018). Addiction for violent online game in adolescent: Virtual ethnography analysis. International Journal of Research Methodology, 1(1), 1-4. (2017 IF: 4.783), (Single Author)
  • Yi-Sheng Wang and Tsuen-Ho Hsu (2018 May). Dynamic capabilities of biologics firms in emerging business market: Perspective of dynamic capabilities evident, Industrial Marketing Management, 71, 5-18. (SSCI, 2017 IF: 3.678), Management Ranking (37/210), (First Author)
  • Yi-Sheng Wang (2018). Using virtual ethnography for psychological and social problems in children: Online game addiction. International Journal of Medical Science and Health Research, 2(6), 29-39. (Single Author)
  • Yi-Sheng Wang (2018 Apr). Buyer-seller relationships of the dental devices industry in Taiwan: Perspective of relationship. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 25(3), 169-186.