Journal of Human Health Research

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Journal of Human Health Research- Sports Medicine


Professor & Dean, University School of Allied Health Sciences, Lamrin Tech Skills University, Punjab. India.

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Shyamal Koley


Lal Avenue, Chakki wali Gali, Khandwala, Chheharta, Amritsar-143001, Punjab, India.

Research Interests:

Sports Medicine, Physiotherapy, Health and Fitness


  • Koley, S.: Sports physiotherapy: A revolution for the athletes. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Practice, 5(1):1-3 (2024).
  • Rather, S.A., Andrabi, S.F., Gupta, A, Koley, S. and Koul, P.: A Study on the Comparative Effects of the Efficacy of I-Gel and Laryngeal Mask Airway Classic (C-LMA) and the Safety Profile of the Patients undergoing General Anesthesia for Elective Lower Abdominal and Lower Limb Surgeries. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 14(6): 242-250 (2024).
  • Kaur, G., Bisht, P.S. and Koley, S.: A study on back strength and its association with selected anthropometric variables and performance tests in state level gymnasts of Punjab. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(6): 262-266 (2024).
  • Rather, S.A., Gupta, A. and Koley, S.: Prolonged Apnea following Succinylcholine administration – A case report. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(5): 139-142 (2024).