Journal of Human Health Research

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Journal of Human Health Research- Health Care

South Africa

Council for Medical Schemes,South Africa, Research and Monitoring

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Michael Mncedisi Willie


Policy Research and Monitoring, Council for Medical Schemes, Pretoria, South Africa

Research Interests:

Research,Health, Governance, Marketing, Data Science, Insurance, Banking,Service Innovation


Michael Mncedisi Willie's experience is in Management/Marketing / Research/ Data Science/Data & Analytics, with exposure to Information Technology / Big Data.


  • Funding of Oncology Benefits by Medical Schemes, South Africa: A Focus on Breast and Cervical Cancer
  • Population and Target Population in Research Methodology
  • Enhancing Competition and Diversity in the Selection of Audit Firms within the Medical Scheme Industry
  • Challenges and Considerations in Assessing Healthcare Service Quality: A Comprehensive Analysis