Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Images

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Journal of Clinical Case reports and Images-Molecular Biology


Era's Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, Department of Biotechnology

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Saliha Rizvi


546/616 Patar House, Near Revanta Hospital, Sarfarazganj, Lucknow- 226003

Research Interests:

  • Human Genetics
  • Type II Daibetes
  • Metabolic Disorders
  • Molecular Biology
  • Genetic Expression Analysis & Polymorphism Analysis
  • Chronic myeloid leukemia and cancer genetics


  • Saliha R, Raza ST, Faisal A, Absar A,  Shania A, Farzana M. Vitamin E and its role in Human Health and some diseases. Sultan Qaboos University Med J. 2014. 14(2): e157-165.
  • Shania Abbas, Syed Tasleem Raza, Anu Chandra, Luxmi Singh, Saliha Rizvi, Ale eba, Faisal Ahmed, Farzana Mahdi. Polymorphism of FABP2 and PPARG2 genes in risk prediction of cataract among North Indian population. Meta Gene. 2014. 2: 307–313.
  • Anu Chandra, Syed Tasleem Raza, Shania Abbas, Luxmi Singh, Saliha Rizvi, Faisal Ahmed, Ale Eba, and Farzana Mahdi. Polymorphism of GST and FTO Genes in Risk Prediction of Cataract among a North Indian Population. Ophthalmic Genetics. 2014. 1–6. (doi: 10.3109/13816810.2014.907921)