Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Images

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Clinical Case reports and Images--Umberto G. Rossi


Elected in Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE),
Executive Committee as Members of the Membership Committee.

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Umberto G. Rossi


Umberto G. Rossi,
20 April 1976, Genoa,
Italian citizenship,
Via Lorenzo di Credi 10/6, 
20149 Milan – ITALY.


Study stays abroad:

  • 1993 Study residency from 12 June to 30 July 1993 at the Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Nebraska University Pneumology; Omaha, NE, U.S.A.
  • 2003 He worked at the Department of Radiology of the Center Régional Léon Bérard, Lyon (France) since 3 February to 5 April 2003. 
  • 2004 He worked at the Department of Radiology of the Great Ormond Street Hospital, London (UK) since 2 February to 30 July 2004. 
  • 2010 He attended as a visitor in the Department of Radiology - Vascular Interventional Radiolgia of the University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor (Michigan, U.S.) from November 5th to December 3rd 2010.


  • 2008 Appointed as Auditor, since May 2008, of Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (JVIR).
  • 2012 Appointed as Auditor, since September 2012, of Hemodialysis International.
  • 2013 Appointed as Auditor, since May 2013, of Journal of Vascular Access.
  • 2013 Appointed as Auditor, since October 2013, of Cardiovascular Interventional Radiology.