Journal of Antioxidant Activity

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Antioxidant Activity- Medicinal plants.
-Abdelnaser Elzaawely


Department of Agricultural Botany,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Tanta University, Tanta,

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Abdelnaser Elzaawely


Department of Agricultural Botany,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Tanta University, 31527, Tanta,

Research Interests:

1. Medicinal plants.
2. Plant natural products.
3. Effect of biotic and abiotic stress in growth and productivity of plants.
4. Allelopathy.
5. Biological activities of plant extracts and plant natural products.
6. Using plant extracts as biostimulants in enhancing plant growth and productivity.


1. B.Sc. in genetics 1992, Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University, Egypt.
2. M.Sc. in Botany 2000,    Faculty of Agriculture, Menofeya University, Egypt.
3. Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences (Biosciences and Biotechnology) 2006,    Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University, Japan.