Journal of Agronomy Research

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Journal of Agronomy Research- Plant Pathology


Mustafa Kemal University

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Soner Soylu


Department of Plant Protection, Agriculture Faculty, 31034 Antakya, Hatay, Turkey

Research Interests:

Plant Protection, Plant Pathology, Pathogens, Arabidopsis thaliana, Plants, Biological Control of Plant Diseases, Biological Pest Control, Integrated Crop Management, Integrated Pest Management, Biological Control of Plant Pathogens,Fungal and Bacterial Plant Pathogen, Biological control, Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew, Post harvest Diseases, Diagnosis and identification of plant fungal and bacterial pathogens, plant-microbe interactions, plant defence mechanisms, electron microscope, Endophytic and epiphytic PGPBacterial isolates, soil borne fungal diseases, Walnut fungal and bacterial diseases


  • Soylu, S., Soylu, E.M., Kurt, Ş. 2004. First report of leaf rust on plum (Prunus cerasifera) by Tranzscheila pruni-spinosa var. discolor in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. Plant Pathology, 53, 257.  Soylu, E.M., Soylu, S., Mansfield, J.W. 2004. Ultrastructural characterisation of pathogen development and host responses during compatible and incompatible interactions between Arabidopsis thaliana and Peronospora parasitica. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 65, 67-78.
  • Soylu, S. 2004. Ultrastructural characterisation of the host-pathogen interface in white blister-infected Arabidopsis leaves. Mycopathologia, 158, 457-464.
  •  Kurt, Ş., Soylu, S., Soylu, E.M., Tok, M.F. 2004. First report of powdery mildew caused by Leveillula taurica on leek (Allium porrum) in Turkey. Plant Pathology, 53, 527.