Journal of Aging Research And Healthcare

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Journal of Aging Research And Healthcare - Brain Sciences


University of Innsbruck Research, Institute for Biomedical Aging Research

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Luca Pangrazzi


Cles, Trento, Italy

Research Interests:

Aging, Pharmacogenomics, Bone Marrow, Brain Sciences, Oncology


  • Pangrazzi L†, Balasco L, Bozzi Y. Oxidative Stress and Immune System Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Int J Mol Sci. 2020, 21(9):3293.
  • Pangrazzi L†, Naismith E, Miggitsch C, Carmona Arana JA, Keller M, Grubeck-Loebenstein B, Weinberger B. The impact of body mass index on adaptive immune cells in the human bone marrow. Immun Ageing. 2020, 17:15.
  • Pangrazzi L, Weinberger B. T cells, aging and senescence. Exp Gerontol. 2020, 21:110887.
  • Pangrazzi L†, Reidla J, Carmona Arana JA, Naismith E, Miggitsch C, Meryk A, Keller M, Krause AAN, Melzer FL, Trieb K, Schirmer M, Grubeck-Loebenstein B, and Weinberger B. CD28 and CD57 define four populations with distinct phenotypic properties within human CD8+ T cells. Eur. J. Immunol. 2019, 50(3):363-379.
  • Naismith E*, Pangrazzi L†*, Grasse M, Keller M, Miggitsch C, Weinberger B, Trieb K, Beatrix Grubeck-Loebenstein B. Peripheral antibody concentrations are associated with highly differentiated T cells and inflammatory processes in the human bone marrow. Immun. Ageing. 2019, 16:21.